Земетресения с магнитуд от 4,5 или по-голям са достатъчно силни, за да се регистрират от всички сеизмографи по света.

ОписаниеМагнитуд по РихтерЕфектЧестота
МикроПо-малко от 2,0Микроземетресения, не се усещат.Около 8 000
на ден
Много слаби2,0–2,9Обикновено не се усещат, но се отчитат.Около 1 000
на ден
Слаби3,0–3,9Често се усещат, но рядко причиняват щети.Около 49 000 годишно
Леки4,0–4,9Усещат се трусовете. Често причинява щети.Около 6 200 годишно
Средни5,0–5,9Може да причини големи щети.800 годишно
Силни6,0–6,9Нанасят сериозни щети в голям радиус.120 годишно
Големи7,0–7,9Разрушителни в радиус около 100 км.18 годишно
Много големи8,0–8,9Нанасят сериозни щети в радиус от стотици километри.1 годишно
Изключително силни9,0–9,9Нанасят огромни щети в радиус от хиляди километри. Възможни са дори мащабни промени в релефа близо до епицентъра.1 за 5-10

Глобална катастрофа≥ 10,0Напълно катастрофални за цели континенти и дори за целия свят.Изключително рядка, 1 за хиляди години (неизвестна / може и невъзможно)

MagnitudeDescriptionMercalli intensityAverage earthquake 
Average frequency of occurrence (estimated)
Less than 2.0MicroIMicroearthquakes, not felt, or felt rarely by sensitive people. Recorded by seismographs.[16]Continual/
several million per year
2.0–2.9MinorI to IIFelt slightly by some people. No damage to buildings.Over one
million per
3.0–3.9II to IVOften felt by people, but very rarely causes damage. Shaking of indoor objects can be noticeable.Over 100,000
per year
4.0–4.9LightIV to VINoticeable shaking of indoor objects and rattling noises. Felt by most people in the affected area. Slightly felt outside. Generally causes none to minimal damage. Moderate to significant damage very unlikely. Some objects may fall off shelves or be knocked over.10,000 to
per year
5.0–5.9ModerateVI to VIIICan cause damage of varying severity to poorly constructed buildings. At most, none to slight damage to all other buildings. Felt by everyone. Casualties range from none to a few.1,000 to
per year
6.0–6.9StrongVII to XDamage to a moderate number of well-built structures in populated areas. Earthquake-resistant structures survive with slight to moderate damage. Poorly designed structures receive moderate to severe damage. Felt in wider areas; up to hundreds of miles/kilometers from the epicenter. Strong to violent shaking in epicentral area. Death toll ranges from none to 25,000.100 to
per year
7.0–7.9MajorVIII or greater[17]Causes damage to most buildings, some to partially or completely collapse or receive severe damage. Well-designed structures are likely to receive damage. Felt across great distances with major damage mostly limited to 250 km from epicenter. Significant death toll.10 to 20
per year
8.0–8.9GreatMajor damage to buildings, structures likely to be destroyed. Will cause moderate to heavy damage to sturdy or earthquake-resistant buildings. Damaging in large areas. Felt in extremely large regions. Death toll in the thousands.One per year
9.0 and greaterNear or at total destruction - severe damage or collapse to all buildings. Heavy damage and shaking extends to distant locations. Permanent changes in ground topography. Death toll can surpass 10,000.One per 10 to
50 years
(Based on U.S. Geological Survey documents.)[18]